Mi Familia

Mi Familia

Sunday, November 7, 2010

What Will You Do For Your Kids?

What Are You Willing To Do For Your Kids?

Many parents around the world are fearful, scared, and disheartened about how their kids will turn out. Me and my wife would spend countless days discussing what we would and wouldn't allow our kids to do. We have had many discussions of how we were raised, what we remember, and what were the good and bad things that came from it. We agree on many things but of course there are disagreements that seem to be a larger problem than it really is. But after years of careful consideration and thought, we have finally come to a resolution and conclusion. Our kids will be us.

How do we know? Because we are our parents. I am all that I am because of my father, even though I can barely remember a thing he said to me growing up. We have thought about all of the many things our parents have said through life and what effect it had on us. We came to realize that though there were little things that lingered in our hearts and lay to bed in our minds, little of what they said really mattered. Everyone has heard the saying do what I say and not what I do; and everyone knows it doesn't work. So, now we know what doesn't work, but what does.

The old saying is still true. Actions speak louder than words. Me and my wife were having a conversation and wondered why it seems that almost everyone around us curses, maybe not in public, and maybe not in front of kids, but they do. So, why is it that we don't? It's because our parents never curse. Notice I didn't say our parents never curse in front of us, but they never curse. Therefore, those words are not apart of my vocabulary. Now I must admit, I did curse everyone out in the sixth grade for a day to try it out, but came to the conclusion its just not me. Now this may seem as if I'm just talking about me, but its how kids are wired.

I don't know why I seem to do everything my dad did but I do. Your kids are little tape recorders and they don't stop recording just because you are having a bad day. If you want them to stop yelling at kids and grown ups, you stop yelling at them. They begin to learn that yelling is the only way to get one's attention. If you don't want your kids to smoke weed, then you stop smoking it. Remember, we have new generation kids; don't think they don't see your blood shot red eyes when you walk in the door. Just think about the household items you use. If your mother used Crisco, you probably use Crisco. If she went to church every Sunday, you will probably find yourself there sooner or later.

The things you do while they are growing up will influence them more than anything you can say. Unless your words are followed by actions, they are useless and will be forgotten. Do you think your little girl will treat her wonderful husband as he deserves when he see's you treat your husband (who she thinks is perfect) badly every day. The same goes with men. There is a reason that boys usually abuse their wives when they have seen their mom beaten by their dad.

If you want your kids to have a fighting chance in this world. Teach them the ways of God. Don't teach them to react based on their emotions and mood swings. You can't teach by saying, you must teach by doing. Lets not yell at our kids everytime we're upset with them. Let us pray, read and learn with our kids everyday.  Let our marriages stay together. Lets show them an example of what a good parent is. Raise your kids with good morals and spiritual depth. That way, I can worry that much less because someone out there is raising their kids to be good enough to marry mine. Be encouraged, until next time......


  1. Beautiful post Jermaine! I didn't know you had started a blog! And very inspiring... what do you say to those whose parents have only been an example of what NOT to be when you grow up?

    I LOVE THAT LAST LINE about raising kids good enough to marry yours!

  2. Thanks Michelle, the simple answer is they must then follow the bible's example, but email me on facebook and I will give you more detail.

  3. Thank you! This will be a blessing to many as parents are confused about their roles and the impact they will have in their child's life! Keep it coming!

  4. You are not the same Jermaine I met almost 10 years ago. I hear wisdom and spiritual growth in what I read and I am very proud to be your sister!!!

  5. Sometimes its hard to believe I had a part in raising you... well done my taller but younger brother.

  6. this is truly inspiring Jermaine. My husband and I have this conversation all the time. I specially have fears because I remember a lot of yelling, broken promises, and other things that made me scared of having kids in the first place because like you said we are our parents. Don't get me wrong I love my parents but many mistakes were done and I was, still am at times, scared of being like them. Now we have two and without skipping a beat I started to do things my parents did to me. I have had to pray and ask God for guidance to let all of that go and learn new habits/actions to teach my children. I had to learn the hard way. I do not hit my kids but I yell, just like my mom used to, and I strongly believe, for my kids anyway because some children are more emotional than others, is hurting them more. It broke my heart when I heard my oldest son yell at his sister just the way I yell at him. Thats when I when I realized I had to change my actions. Now, it's not easy but if you have to pray on it and make that change. And to be quiet honest your last line is the biggest reason why I have to make that change. I cannot live with myself knowing that my children will one day marry and have children and they repeat such a bad cycle. Thank you Jermaine.
