Mi Familia

Mi Familia

Friday, October 15, 2010

(Purpose) Today It Ends...

This Kind of Sadness…This Kind of Pain
There has been an overflow of sadness around me. It hurts my heart to see so much pain. There are many things that make us sad; losing a loved one, being cheated on, or maybe you feel trapped at a dead end job. Those things can make you go through a variety of emotions, all leading to the inevitable sadness, pain and even depression.  While these times can be trying and may feel unbearable; I want to talk about a sadness that goes and hurts deeper than that. The pain of not knowing.

When you don’t know your purpose you are lost and unhappy with everything around you.  Nothing is good enough. So then we play the blame game for why we’re not happy. My kids are acting crazy. My husband is no good. If only I had more money. I’m not getting any help. But haven’t your kids always acted crazy? Wasn’t your husband no good when you married him? These are only the distracters of your very true and real crisis. Here is your real crisis:

You don’t know or you are not operating in YOUR PURPOSE!!

You may notice the statement that people say when they have given up……
I’ve given up on school because I don’t see the purpose.
I’m quitting my job because I don’t see the purpose of working there at minimum wage.
I’m getting a divorce because he will never change, so what’s the purpose?
I stop going to church because I don’t see the purpose.
What’s the purpose of speaking up if nobody listens?

My question is what are you waiting for? God has given you a purpose before he created you. Read Genesis, God didn’t even let the flowers grow until Adam was there to take care of them. Why? Because the flowers wouldn’t have had a purpose. In that same manner, God didn’t let you live until he gave you a purpose. Think about it; would your employer CREATE a new job before they had a purpose? So you ask, “How do I know my purpose?” I’m glad you asked. The same way you know a car’s purpose, the same way you know an ipod’s purpose, the same way you know the purpose of a song. You ask the CREATOR (Jesus Christ). Your friend or father may be able to tell you what a car is used for, but the creator can tell you how to use its gadgets (your gifts), the outcome of using those gadgets (your destiny), and the reason it was given those gadgets (your purpose).

Fulfill your purpose; or this kind of sadness that comes from not operating in your gifts can be detrimental to your attitude, actions, and even your sanity. What have you been dreaming about that won’t let you go? What is that thing that you and everyone around you say you should be doing? When I think of great people, I think of people filled with Purpose. People can lose their marriage and get fired from their job; but if they are operating in their purpose, they have a peace within themselves. Choose to have peace. I will not die until I have fulfilled my purpose. I won’t spend another day in sadness. I will not infect my friends and loved ones with sadness and pain another day of my life. This kind of sadness has left my life. This kind of pain is gone. Today it ends...

People I know operating in purpose

http://www.doitdivinely.com/  Jennifer Hammock

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aas2QlHzX3A&NR=1  I Have A Purpose That I MUST Fulfill He's Given Me Life And I CHOOSE TO LIVE!!


  1. Thanks Jermaine your a blessing.

  2. Absolutely! Nothing is worse than existing each day not living the life you dream of because you are miserable and locked down to your circumstances. It's time that people link up to God who has given us our purpose and smiles down at us when we operate in it :-)
