Don't Hurt Me.....
This word can make a woman cringe, curse you out, and shout threatening words. The "s" word is the "baddest" of all curse words and can cause all fury to come down upon man. It has caused fights, debates, and agony just by someone saying the "s" word. Tell them to cook, clean or take care of the kids by themselves, but don't say the "s" word.
When people realize what this word really means it becomes something totally new. This word creates peace and serenity, joy and happiness to the atmosphere where it is practiced. It is a word that was once used freely with no problems or issues associated with it. No, it's not sex.
So women, don't yell at me, scream at me or squirm in your seats, because that word is "submit". I've heard girls say "your wife is very submissive" as if it's a disease with no cure. "That's a thing of the past" they say about being submissive to your husband. Not knowing it is the very thing that has caused me to be faithful and giving to my wife. So let's forget that the bible actually tells the wives to submit to their husbands just for a moment. What are the benefits of submission? Many people won't be able to relate to my answer and some may think it's unrealistic, but you won't actually know until you try it.
So, when you submit to a man (God fearing man, otherwise its a boy), you allow him to have peace in his home. This means he would rather come home than go to some other girl's house that isn't going to ask him 101 questions about where he was. Submitting obligates a man to do something for his woman. Buy roses, clean the house, do the dishes (something he doesn't usually do). You can't just try this for a few days but you must be consistent or they will think this sudden change is a game that will soon end. When you submit to your husband, he will no longer have the need to give his attention to another woman because he feels you aren't listening to him. Trust me, when a man tells you something, he is watching to see if you will do what he says, or what someone else says. But many women have their own thoughts of submission.
Let's start with the myths and misconceptions of submission. Here are some of the things that it DOES NOT MEAN: I can't have an opinion. I can't speak back. I can't question what he tells me. I must cater to whatever he wants all day every day. I am his stepping stool.
That is a man made opinion of submission, but God does not want to "shut the woman up". A submissive woman is a woman who questions their husband sometimes. It's ok to ask questions. Need an example of how that's true? Ok, Jesus, being fully submitted and submissive to God questioned him in his final days walking the earth. He said "Father, why have you forsaken me?" So even Jesus had some questions for his father and didn't think it was a horrible thing to ask for understanding. But even when he didn't get an answer or didn't understand, he went with the flow. He had trust in the person he submitted himself to.
Submission is simply trust. God wants you to trust your husband with your life. When your husband gives financial or spiritual direction for the house, trust what he says and help him (as the help mate) make it happen. Why is it that men can tell a woman outside of their home to do something and they will do it in a flash, but when they ask their wife, they will find a reason why they shouldn't listen or do what he has said? Women should give their advice and speak their mind (in love) but trust your husband through his failures and misconceptions. When he knows and feels that you will follow his direction, he will soon put you in the driver's seat to make decisions for him. Isn't that better than fighting over every decision made in your house? Many times you won't agree, but after you have stated your reservations or ideas, trust your husband and go with the flow.
You can't trust that he will make the right decisions all of the time because you don't make the right decisions all of the time. But if things are in order, you can trust God to turn everything around for your good. You can trust God to bless your home with peace and joy. To let you live life more abundantly. I hope you have married well. If you married a fool, you have to trust a fool. But know that "All things must work for the good of those who love the lord." You follow God's ways, and he will always be with you. This is a subject that comes with many questions, so leave your comments below and email me your questions. Until we meet again...